A student competition initiated by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, the COMREN network, and the Canadian Hydrographic Association.
“Form a team of 2 to 4 students and reinvent the way navigational charts are produced.”
Goal: Using open data and free software only, prototype a cartographic production chain. Test your production chain on an area of interest (among the proposed sites). Publish your map and present your methodology.
Impact: The Speed Mapping Challenge is an opportunity to renew the way navigation charts are produced. It will explore the possibility of producing charts on demand to speed up the publication of hydrographic data and thus drastically reduce the time needed to update cartographic products.
Schedule: the challenge will take place over 1 month. It will start on April 4, 2022, and end on May 6, 2022. The 3 winning teams will be announced on May 13, 2022.
1st prize | 2nd prize | 3rd prize | |
Award | 5000 CAD $ | 2000 CAD $ | 1000 CAD $ |
Presentation of the proposal at CHC-2022 | X | X | X |
Free access to CHC-2022 | X | X | X |
Accompaniment by an editorial board for the publication of an article in the IHR journal | X |
Guidelines and Rules:
Download the GuidesLines (PDF file)
Zones of Interest:
- Cartography: Gabriel Cavanagh (CHS-Canada)
- Open Source Software (hydrography oriented): Giuseppe Masetti (Danish Hydrographic Office-Denmark & UNH-USA)
- GIS: Heather McGrath (NRCan & UNB-Canada)
- Data Management (data sources): pending
- Satellite Derived Bathymetry: Anders Knudby (UOttawa-Canada)
- Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry: pending
Have technical questions about the challenge? Send an email to speedmappingchallenge@gmail.com and we will distribute it to the challenge mentors. The answers will be shared with all the teams in competition on the dedicated FAQ web page.
- Louis Maltais – CHS (chair)
- Julia Wallace – US NOAA OCS Hydrographic Services Division
- Matt Ordower – IIC Technologies Inc.
- Mary McLennan – Teledyne Geospatial
- Craig Greene – ESRI ArcGIS Maritime Product Manager
Registration is now closed. The 9 teams in competition gather more than 25 students, 10 institutions, 5 countries.
Winning teams:
The judges have deliberated and the 3 winning teams are, in random order, as the final ranking will be unveiled at the CHC 2022:
Team “CROSS” composed by:
Sara Abair, PhD, INRS, Canada
Willian Ney Cassol, PhD, ULaval, Canada
Mohammed Ali Ghannami, PhD, ULaval, Canada
Juzer Noman, MSc, ULaval, Canada
Team “oFishially Hydrographers” composed by:
Barys Barysevich, MI of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Mona Earle, MSc, MI of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Alex Kennedy, BSc, MI of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Team “SEGU United” composed by:
Jose Cordero, MSc, Lund University, Sweden
Noel Dyer, PhD, University of Maryland at College Park, USA
Stelios Contarinis, PhD, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Tamer Nada, PhD, University of New Hampshire, USA