IHHS 2023 – Laval University
May 15, 16, 29, 30, 31, 2023
The 2023 edition is now over, after 6 days of rich and varied training. See you next year!
The crucial role of detailed knowledge of the seabed has never been so well highlighted as recently with the proclamation by the United Nations of the Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021 – 2030) or the Nippon Foundation – GEBCO Seabed 2030 project aiming at 100% of the seabed mapped worldwide by 2030. Such an intensification of hydrographic surveys brings new opportunities in terms of recruitment of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) as well as technological and methodological solutions in the hydrographic and hydrospatial fields.
Now in its fourth year, this international school provides participants with a unique multi-disciplinary training experience, involving close interaction with high-level scientists, professionals and stakeholders from the hydrospatial and maritime fields in a cutting-edge technological context. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and develop their competencies through courses, practical work, conferences and activities allowing them to live the experience of surveying on board a hydrographic vessel.
*Bilingual school (French and English) and offered online. Courses and lectures will be recorded live and can be viewed at a later time.
This international school is part of the Canadian Ocean Mapping Research and Education Network (COMREN).

Partner institutions
The objectives of the international hydrographic and hydrospatial school are:
- To allow participants, both students and professionals, to benefit from a series of courses and conferences on themes central to hydrospatial;
- To allow participants, students and professionals, to learn about recent topics and approaches related to hydrospatial and its applications;
- To implement, during practical sessions, tools and methods for processing bathymetric data and sonar imagery;
- To promote the cross-fertilization of expertise between students, researchers, professionals and practitioners in the hydro and geospatial sector, and the creation of links for future collaborations.
Main topics
This international school will address the following topics:
- Fundamental notions and concepts related to multibeam surveys
- Vertical referencing, SWOT & water flow
- Digital bathymetric model, uncertainty estimation
- Processing of backscatter data
- Bathymetry derived from satellite images
- Crowdsourced hydrography
- Recent developments in GNSS and their application to hydrography
- Patch test in a hydrographic slant
- Topo-bathy LIDAR in rivers
- Surface and submersible hydrographic survey vehicles and their positioning methods
The school will promote a multi-faceted and dynamic approach that includes courses, lectures, and a strong hands-on component mentored by experts from various disciplines.
Final program

List of experts who have confirmed their participation
- Sylvie Daniel, Université Laval
- Craig Brown, Dalhousie University
- Mathieu Rondeau, Canadian Hydrographic Service
- Anders Knudby, University of Ottawa
- Sunil Bisnath, York University
- Olga Telecka, Marine Institute/Memorial University
- Sean Galway, British Columbia Institute of Technology
- Thierry Schmitt, Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine
- Frédérick Lafrance, Communauté Métropolitaine de Québec
- Mélanie Trudel, Université de Sherbrooke
- Willian Ney Cassol, Université Laval
- Denis Hains, President & CEO H2i + Hydrospatial Activist
- Mike Brissette, R2Sonic
- Véronique Jégat, Fugro
- Helen Stewart, Fugro
Fees and registration
Registration fees (in CAD):
- Online participation:
- Regular fee : $600
- Student fee : $300
Registration fees include:
- Access to the 5 days online training provided by national and international experts;
- Access to the training and scientific material;
- Access to hands-on exercises.
Additional information
Targeted candidates:
For the fourth edition of the international school, the maximum number of online participants has been set at 25, on a first-come, first-served basis.
We encourage undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students as well postdocs whose academic training or research projects are related to the topics of the school to apply. More specifically, the international school is intended to the following participants:
- Post-secondary students whose curriculum includes one of the following fields of study: hydrography, underwater mapping ; oceanography or any related field;
- Students and professionals affiliated with a COMREN member institution;
- Professionals from the hydro and geospatial sector wanting to enhance their knowledge of the latest hydrographic methods and techniques;
Cancellation policy
The organizers reserve the right to cancel the international school within two weeks of the registration deadline if there are insufficient participants or if circumstances beyond their control make it impossible to offer the school.
The conditions for refund of registration fees are as follows:
- If the participation to the international school is cancelled more than 6 weeks before the starting date, 75% of the registration fee will be refunded.
- If the participation to the international school is cancelled between 4 and 6 weeks before the starting date, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded.
- If the participation to the international school is cancelled less than 4 weeks before the starting date, his registration fee will not be refunded.
All refunds will be in Canadian dollars.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
Sylvie Daniel